
Course modality (in-person vs remote) is set up by the academic department offering the course.

The Schedule of Classes is published on TritonLink and WebReg in mid-March every year. The Schedule will show if the class is remote (building is "RCLAS") or in-person (building location that is NOT "RCLAS").

System generated room numbers that physically do not exist. Please refer to Building Location to determine course modality. (ex: RCLAS = remote course, campus building = in-person). Room numbers with R do not correlate to physical room locations, but instead exist in the virtual classroom space

Summer Session 2024 courses are approved for remote and in-person modality.

New courses may be added and others may be canceled. It is the student's responsibility to verify the Schedule of Classes and TritonLink for the most up-to-date information regarding Summer Session courses.

The Summer Session 2024 Schedule of Classes will be publicly released on TBD.

How to navigate through the Schedule of Classes:

  1. Select Search Term (use the drop down menu)
  2. Find Courses by
  3. Select Additional Criteria, if necessary
  4. Select the Search button at the bottom of the page
  5. View the results of your search

The following is described in the Schedule of Classes :